Commercial and Residential Excavation Services
With a full line of grading equipment and laser-guided grading capabilities, WreckHouse Demolition can handle your most challenging grading job. Our estimators work from computer-generated takeoffs which eliminates the guesswork typically associated with grading estimates.
WreckHouse Demolition is an expert in residential, commercial, and industrial excavation, for Dallas/Ft. Worth areas. We provide honest and professional excavating contractors and hauling services, so you can be assured that the job will be done right the first time. We are also fully licensed, insured and bonded.

Our excavation services include:
Site clearing and grubbing of trees & brush
Mass grading for site development
Compacting controlled fill areas
Fine grading for buildings, roads, and other uses.
Grading & Drainage Structures
Earth Work for New and Existing Construction
Concrete work of all kinds
Demolition and Debris Removal
Bulldozing and Grading
Parking Lots
Sand and Gravel
Black Dirt
Bobcat Services
and much more…

Creating A Foundation That You Can Build On
Commercial Grading. Preparing a stable and level foundation is the first step in any new project, be it a repaved road or a new building. Without a good foundation, no project will stand up to the elements. This guiding principle has helped to make WreckHouse an expert grading and excavating contractors in Texas.
As a full-service commercial site excavating contractors, WreckHouse utilizes its own fleet of earth moving equipment. We can move mass grading projects, or a small parking lot with equally professional results.
Utilizing state of the art equipment and experienced operators, WreckHouse’s Grading and Excavation Division performs a full range of earth moving services to prepare commercial, residential and government development sites in the State of Texas for the construction of buildings, roads, parking lots and many other uses.